Safe Communities Lower Taxes Responsible Government
My Priorities

Keeping Communities Safe: We must make sure our neighborhoods are safe for our kids and families. Unfortunately, reckless driving is becoming a regular ocurence and attempts to defund the police and soft-on-crime policies are leaving the door open for criminals. As your representative in the Assembly, I will work to strengthen our laws to hold those who break the law accountable, keep violent offenders off our streets, put a stop to the reckless driving epidemic, and support our law enforcement officers.
Addressing Rising Costs: As a father, I understand how rising costs are squeezing Wisconsin families. Groceries, utilities, the cost of housing - inflation is hurting us all. That's why I will fight to continue reducing the tax burden on the middle class, retirees, and those with kids in childcare. We must push back against efforts to raise your taxes and make sure you are able to keep more of your hard-earned money.​​
Fighting Waste, Fraud, and Abuse: We should always be looking for ways to streamline government and cut red tape. I will be your advocate in Madison to make sure your tax dollars are being spent wisely and not wasted on unnecessary bureaucracy.
District Map - Click Here

Racine Alderman Henry Perez

State Representative Bob Donovan (AD-84)

Judge Paul Dedinsky